The buzz in the air is that the pretty Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra who won the prestigious National Award in the best actress category for her role in Fashion is adamant not to have her hair chopped for Anurag
Basu's forthcoming movie, Silence.
Priyanka is in the habit of doing a thorough research on the character and its look that she is about to essay in a movie before she enacts the role, to look exactly like the
Surprisingly, the actress is not ready to cut her long hair this time. In the Anurag Basu directed Silence, she is supposed to play the role of a deaf and dump girl. To sport the look of the character she was told to cut
short her hair but she refused to obey.
Priyanka had colored her hair to be one with the uber modern character in the film Love Story 2050, though her father was irritated. It is said that director Anurag Basu, might just replace Priyanka with Deepika
Padukone. This has been revealed by a source from the unit.
The buzz also says that Priyanka totally freaked out, when she was asked to crop her hair. She suggested for a wig instead.
Thursday, August 12, 2010 13:08 IST