12 noon: Today, I welcomed new ways of thinking and approaching something that I was scared of! It made me an
infinitely richer person overnight.
3 pm: This afternoon, I had a great meeting in the offices of Grammy award-winning music superstar Chaka Khan.
Her foundation is in Beverly Hills. While I was there, I was introduced to a new worldwide high tech entertainment
website plan. We discussed my possible association as a celebrity ambassador in India for this group called 'World
Without Strangers.'
5 pm: Am shooting with fashion photographer Ash for a big magazine! He wants to shoot me in the middle of a busy
Melrose Street. Guards, cops, bikers, water tanks, punks are his army! Excited! He's shooting for his book
"Heavenly" with me next week... I love his vision! And I love his team.
9 pm: If you girls wanna look cool and hip, you must try "Betsey Johnson" a favourite with Hollywood girlies... Trials
are on and I'm going mad... their stuff is to die for! Later, am heading to a clinic for "piercing". Dad is gonna hate me
for this.
11 pm: Remembering the day when Blackberry and Apple were just fruits... Thanks to my BB and Mid Day, I could
share thoughts and moments with you all... Miracles come in moments...be ready and willing! I AM!
Friday, August 13, 2010 11:41 IST