Additi Gupta will be seen on Zee TV's upcoming venture 'Sanjog Se Bani Sangini' as Pihu. When we asked Additi to describe her on-screen character, she was a bit confused initially. Then gradually she described
different shades of her character and its similarities and differences with her own personality to us.
"On-screen characters are always different from what you are in actual life. I was never Heer before I did 'Kis Des Mein Hai Meraa Dil' and even now with 'Sangini' I am playing a totally different character.
almost took three months for me to get into the character as the role was new for me. But now after shooting for the show, I have come to know exactly what the character is", says Additi.
So in these three months what similarities and differences you have come across with your on-screen and off-screen persona?
"There are many differences like she is egoistic which I feel I am not in my actual
life. She is very typical kind of a girl who expects lot from her boyfriend which again I am not. And when it comes to similarity than Pihu don't like to hurt anyone and so do I.
And last but not the least, like
Pihu if I get into some relationship, I won't ditch that person. I will love him till the end of my life. I will be 100 percent involved in it. That again, in turn, means I won't hurt him", explains Additi.
We wish you all the best for your new venture Additi!
Friday, August 13, 2010 18:09 IST