Shailesh Lodha, who is popularly known as Tarak Mehta of SAB TV's 'Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah', is a person with multiple talents. Apart from acting in this very popular daily show, the actor also keeps traveling in various cities to deliver motivational lectures. He is also a poet, hasya kavi, author, and a stand-up comedian.
All these roles of Shailesh are taking toll on his sleep and health. Recently, he was in Kolkata to deliver a motivational lecture. On this, the actor said, "I had to go to Kolkata right from the set and now I will be reporting to the sets again straight from the airport. Thereafter, I will be flying to Chennai to perform my stand-up comedy acts".
Traveling has become a part of this multifaceted man. So, how does he manage to take rest? Replying to this Lodha said, "I have learnt to sleep before take-off and then get up just after landing".
Shailesh started performing at a very young age of nine years and thus got recognition at an early stage of his life. With his wife Dr Swati Lodha, who is an educationist and management guru, Shailesh has written a self-help book named Come on! Get Set Go, which has already been translated into 13 languages.
Well, his inspiring and witty dialogues in 'Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah' are probably the reflection of his personal experiences!
Friday, August 13, 2010 18:44 IST