Bollywood actor Aamir Khan flew to Leh on Tuesday for a visit to flood-ravaged school, where he shot his 2009 blockbuster '3 Idiots' and became famous as 'Rancho of Ladakh'.
" I'm here to be with the students because I was told that they are in a state of shock. Nature can be real cruel sometimes; but luckily, there was no casualties in the school. But they are under emotional trauma. I will
try my best to bring back their smiles, "Khan said on his first arrival after shooting for his film last year.
The Druk White Lotus School, run by the Buddhist Drukpa lineage under the supervision of their spiritual leader Gyalwang Drukpa, was affected during the cloudburst in Leh on August 7 which claimed nearly 200 lives.
The 44-year-old actor said he would raise funds and campaign for speedy rehabilitation of the victims.
His coming after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and the Army chief's visit to this flood ravaged region, raised world wide attention about the plight of the people, mainly tribals like
Ladhakies, Sherpas and Bhutias.
Aamir appealed the nation to extend a helping hand towards the survivors.
"I'm really upset about the plight of the flood-ravaged people and surely I will do whatever I can for the suffering because the movie I did here will have lasting impression in the rest of my life", the actor said.
The school, situated some 15 km from Leh on the Leh-Manali highway, became famous among the moviegoers after it was shown as the school run by Aamir's character Rancho in '3 Idiots'. While the stone building
remains intact along with the amphitheatre, slush and boulders have filled up its interiors.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 12:06 IST