It has been a tradition for the Kerala State Government to honor an actor during the occasion of Onam festival. This year, chief minister Achuthanandan and his cabinet ministers decided to honor Padmashree Kamal
Haasan for his 50 years of achievement in film industry.
The members of the Kerala Actors Association, however, have condemned the State Government's decision of honoring Kamal Haasan. Interacting with media channels, Actor Innocent, President of Kerala Actors
Association (Amma) says, "We wholeheartedly believe that Padmashree Kamal Haasan deserves such honors for his astounding contributions to film industry.
But at the same time, many of our own
Malayalam actors have excelled in film industry for 50 years and we are disappointed that our Government has failed to recognize them."
Totting up the issue, Innocent has mentioned that the members of Kerala Actors Association will not take part in the event of honoring actor Kamal Haasan. But the executive members of the association have also
stated that the interested artists can take part in this event and the association wouldn't take any actions on them.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 12:07 IST