Bollywood actress Konkona Sen Sharma, who walked the ramp Thursday for Amrapali at the India International Jewellery Week (IIJW), said she will wear grandmother Suchitra Sen's jewellery at her wedding.
"I'm not such a jewellery person but on my wedding I'll wear jewellery that I have inherited from my grandmother, " Konkona told reporters.
"It's a beautiful Kundan piece and I'm very proud of it, " she added.
The actress wore a five-row kundan set while walking the ramp.
"I was quite nervous while walking the ramp because this is only the second time that I'm doing this. But I was excited too since its very rare that you get to wear jewellery like this. I feel like a queen today, " Konkona
Friday, August 20, 2010 12:57 IST