Be it Emraan Hashmi, Saif Ali Khan, or Akhsay Kumar, Bollywood stars are often in the news for their onscreen love-making scenes. Now, the buzz in the B-Town's air is about John Abraham. In his about-to-release movie Aashayein, the Bollywood beefcake will be seen going intimate with Sonal Sehgal in bed.
It is not the first time that John has gotten steamy with his co-star on screen. He has previous experience of shooting a steamy sequence with Katrina Kaif in New York. However, Aashayein is the movie of Sonal Sehgal.
Nagesh Kukunoor, the director of Aashayein, claims that the hot scene of John and Sonal is an integral part of the film. Following the love-making sequence, John's character turns over with a new twist. As per reports from the sources, the scene was a basic requirement of the script and the director has shot it quite aesthetically.
The love-making scene happens at a specific juncture in the life of John's character and it turns the story to a different direction. The sources said that prior to shooting the scene, Nagesh made the purpose of the passionate scene clear to both of the actors.
Aashayein is the story of a gambler, played by John, who realizes that his days are numbered after winning a fortune. Then, he discovers a new meaning of life. The film is releasing on 27th August.
Monday, August 23, 2010 15:40 IST