The popular Indian channel, Star Plus has been known to forge characters that are so iconic that they are eternally remembered by people. Starting with Tulsi to Baa who were positive characters to the scorching
vamps like Komolika, Pallavi and Ramola Sikand, the characters have already earned a place in people's memories.
These characters especially the vamps destroyed and dominated, as per the script and both women and children feared them; however the men couldn't be scared by them. So what did Star Plus do?
Real soon, the channel is going to bring out someone, who will way worse than each of the vamps put together. He will be such an infamous character that he will put the terror of God into every mortal.
Ashutosh Rana, the excellent character actor from Bollywood, known all over for his excellent portrayals of negative characters like Gokul Pandit and the dark Lajja Shankar Pandey has been chosen to play the
godfather of all Indian screen villians.
Star Plus has recruited him to play a role equal to that of Gabbar Singh who happens to be the most heinous villain of Indian Television till date. Now it would be
interesting to see, how he lives up to his reputation.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:22 IST