Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has acted with superstar Akshay Kumar in several films, seems to have realized the talent of the actor. Big B has suggested Akshay Kumar's name to Rakyesh Omprakash Mehra
for playing the role of legendary athlete Milkha Singh in an upcoming movie.
Filmmaker Mehra is developing a biopic on the athlete and had a meeting with Big B on Sunday while staging the play titled 'Bas Itna Sa Khwab Hai'. The actor thought that the life and times of the athlete Milkha Singh
can make a great story.
Sharing this thought on his blog, Big B wrote that the subject has a huge potential to turn into a movie. He added that it involves humanity, patriotism, history and achievement against all odds and it tells a story of
incredible tragedy and poetic justice. The life of the athlete was full of tragedy as he watched his entirely family being killed in front of his eyes during the riot on Pakistan.
Bachchan informed that the filmmaker was confused about the casting and they started thinking of it. He added that since the task is very massive one, the name of Akshay Kumar clicked in his mind, who was seated
next to him at the theater.
Well, it all depends on the filmmaker and Akshay to decide whether they take up the project or not. But the suggestion from Big B was definitely an impressive one!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:35 IST