The National award winning Telugu actor, producer and director Prakashraj finally got married on August 24. The bride's name is Pony Verma and she is a well known choreographer from Bollywood. The wedding was a gala affair where the big shots from both Telugu film industry and Bollywood came to bless the couple.
The wedding ceremony was held in the Hindu tradition conforming to the Punjabi style. The wedding was attended by close family members and friends from both the bride and the groom's side.
Prakashraj was accompanied by his mother, two daughters, sisters and other relatives. Close associates like Director Radha Mohan also came to the wedding. Renowned Telugu actor Viji, actor Kumaraveel, cinematographer K.V. Guhan and Tanya Samthani were among the distinguished names on the wedding list.
Prakashraj was previously married to actress Lalithakumari but they got divorced due to difference of opinions. Prakashraj and Pony Verma have been friends for a long time and they finally decided to tie the knot on the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan.
The newly-weds are going to host a reception for their close friends from Bollywood and Kollywood at the luxurious Sahara hotel near the Mumbai airport. The couple will hold a number of separate receptions for their friends from different film industries.
Friday, August 27, 2010 11:22 IST