This week, Deepika Padukone and Neil Nitin Mukesh will grace the stage of Colors', 'India's Got Talent 2' and will share the panel with our fabulous judges Sonali Bendre, Sajid Khan and Kiron Kher. But who's next to share the panel with these judges?
As Deepika and Neil had graced the show to enjoy the talent and also to promote their upcoming flick 'Lafangey Parindey', it's a 'family' who will grace the stage next week. Guess who?
Yes, Its Karan Johar, Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal who will be seen in next week's special episode on, 'India's Got Talent 2', where these three will mark their presence to promote their movie 'We are family'.
A source says, "On 23rd of August, Kareena Kapoor, Karan Johar and Arjun Rampal had shot for 'India's Got Talent's' episode which will be aired in next week. All the celebrities along with our judges enjoyed the act and had gala time. Even though many of the acts were creepy, but some hilarious acts had made the three relax."
Its seems that India's Got Talent being the most watched show on Television, No Bollywood celebrity is going to miss this stage for the promotion.
Friday, August 27, 2010 11:24 IST