The recently released Aamir Khan's home production 'Peepli Live' is now going to release in the theaters in UK on September 24. The movie has already received critical acclaim as well as box office success in India.
A source close to producer Aamir Khan was quoted saying that he is planning an extensive tour in UK to promote the movie.
Khan has also requested his fans in Britain to watch the movie only after its official release and not on pirated DVDs or downloads. He said that the viewers can enjoy the movie in its original form only at the theaters.
'Peepli Live' earned Rs 24 crore on its launching weekend. It earned another US$ 6, 40, 000 (Rs 2.88 crore) from the 109 overseas prints.
As a film with no such big stars, it has got one of the highest openings in overseas market. In the opening weekend, the movie grossed about US$ 3, 64, 000 in the US with the release of 64 prints.
It went on garnering US$ 1, 75, 000 in the Middle East, where the film was released with 18 prints during 'Ramadaan'. The source added that the movie added another US$ 59, 000 in the opening weekend from the earnings in the countries like Pakistan, South Africa, Singapore, Kenya and Benelux. The movie has still miles to go as it has been only two weeks!.
Friday, August 27, 2010 11:26 IST