Bollywood actor Aditya Pancholi, who was missing from the headlines after his much talked relationship with actress Kangna Ranaut, is back to the headlines again. However, this time the reason is different. Now, the
actor is in the news for some legal issues.
Aditya Pancholi is fighting a case about a rented block in suburban Santacruz, which was taken by his father several years back. The actor has filed petition in the Bombay high court contesting an order by lower
court, which favored the landlord.
Hatte family is the owner of the block, which was rented by Pancholi family. The landlord had complained in the Small Cause Court asking for eviction of the Pancholis. They cited the reason that the block is being
used by the servants of Pancholis and Aditya's brother and sister do not live there.
In 1995, the Small Cause Court upheld the argument of the landlord and ordered the Pancholis to vacate it. However, the order was later stayed by the High court order. But recently, Justice Abhay Oka of High Court
adjourned the hearing till September 3 and extended the earlier stay to the eviction order so far.
Well, whatever is the decision of the court but the actor is sure to hit the headlines again!
Friday, August 27, 2010 12:50 IST