Bollywood star Salman Khan has sent a legal notice to Vijay Gandhi, the producer of his film "Veer'. The actor has
asked for the clearance of his outstanding remuneration of Rs. 15 crores from the producer, which he was supposed
to be paid for acting in "Veer'.
Eros International, the distributor of the movie, which was released in January this year, also received a copy of this
legal notice.
According to a source close to the movie, Eros International instantly came out of this controversy by informing
Salman that they just had an acquisition agreement with Galani for this film.
Under this agreement, Galani
was paid a particular amount and 50% of the profit was supposed to be divided between Galani and Eros if the film
becomes successful at the box office. However, unluckily, "Veer' could not do well at the box office.
A source close to the movie informed that as the movie flopped, Galani showed a picture like he was totally
devastated financially. At this, a gracious star like Salman sacrificed a huge part of his remuneration for the film, the
source added.
But the situation changed when Salman came to know that Galani had allegedly made good earnings from the
acquisition deal with Eros International regardless of the failure of "Veer'. This angered Salman and he sent this
notice to the producer.
The news was confirmed by Salman's secretary Vikas Kapoor, who said that Vijay Galani has been issued a legal
notice for an amount of Rs.15 crores.
Saturday, August 28, 2010 12:14 IST