The newest hunk in demand in Bollywood is Ranbir Kapoor, who is just seven films old and waiting for his three upcoming films to hit the theater. The actor has shown his versatility with the different types of roles he
played in movies like Saawariya, Wake Up Sid, Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year and the last released Rajneeti.
The actor is now ready to show his versatility off screen too. There is a report that young actor has developed a keen interest in drums.
In fact, he has taken lessons for the same while filming some promos of
the movie Anjana Anjani, which is being produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. His drumming sessions were taken on the sets of the movie by one of the crew member, who was approached by the 27 year old actor.
A source was quoted saying that when Ranbir was filming some promos of Anjana Anjani, he took lessons on drumming and one crew member even helped him out. The player was more than happy to teach Ranbir
how to play the drum. Having a very keen interest in music, Ranbir picked up very fast how to beat the drum.
An eyewitness stated that after learning the art, Ranbir took up the drums and played for everyone in the crew.
Who knows, Ranbir might be seen showing his drumming skills in his coming movies!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:49 IST