Director Mani Shankar's upcoming movie titled 'Knock Out', which stars Sanjay Dutt, has been able to get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the 'yoga guru' Baba Ramdev as the movie has his reference.
The promos of the movie show Sanjay Dutt taking the Baba Ramdev's name in one of the scenes. Kangna Ranaut and Irfan Khan are also part of the movie, which got stuck at the censor board table and the promos
were also kept on hold for mentioning the yoga guru Baba Ramdev's name.
A source was quoted saying that in one of the dialogues in the promo, Irfan has to ask Sanjay Dutt what he wants and he replies that he wants the same thing that Baba Ramdev expects from his followers. This
particular dialogue was the reason behind the objection of the censor board. The producers AAP Entertainment was asked to take an NOC from Ramdev.
The makers were left with a very little time to get the NOC to start airing the promos of Knock Out. So, the director Mani Shankar took a serious and quick step and got the NOC within few hours.
Mani Shankar was quoted saying that they were left with a very little time to respond when censor board raised objection. He said that they needed the censor certificate on the same to start airing the trailers.
However, luckily the director has earlier made many short films on spiritual themes and was closely associated with leading spiritual gurus in the country.
So, he took help of Shri HV Prasad, who is
the chief trustee of Swami Ganapathi Sachchidananda in Mysore. In this way, Mani got to talk to Mr. Tijarawala, the spokesperson of Baba Ramdev and explained the details of the movie with his producer Mr. Nag to
On hearing the context of the dialogue in which Baba Ramdev's name featured, they offered the NOC immediately. Mani expressed his gratitude to Baba Ramdev and Shri Tijarawala for responding so quickly.
Now, the movie is ready to start airing the promos from today.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 13:47 IST