Ekta Kapoor's Balaji Telefilms had distributed director Dibakar Banerjee's critically acclaimed movie 'Love Sex Aur Dhokha', which was released on March, 2010. Following this, there was a report of Ekta again teaming up with the director for his next political thriller with Abhay Deol and Emraan Hashmi.
However, as per the latest reports, Ekta is no more producing the film by Dibakar and it will be produced by another corporate giant.
Confirming the news, a close associate of Dibakar was quoted saying that there was a minor discussion with Balaji about this movie.
The source added that it was nice working with Balaji and Ekta on 'Love Sex Aur Dhokha'and they would love to work with her on another film. However, the current project is not happening with Balaji, the source said. It also added that they are in talks with another corporate house about this film and a proper announcement would be made very soon.
On the other hand, a source close to Ekta stated that Balaji was supposed to produce the next film of Dibakar but it is not going to happen anymore.
Elaborating the reason, the source was quoted saying that the film had an estimated budget of about 18 crore and it stands to about 25 crore including post publicity and Ekta did not find it a viable business proposition.
There was no comment from Dibakar while Ekta was quoted saying that she was never producing the movie.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010 13:03 IST