Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is paying the toll for making a film based on a real life story. Ever since Verma has started working on his film 'Rakhta Charitra', he has been getting death threats. Recently Ubala Reddy's family has threaten this filmmaker, was the rival of late Naxalite leader Ravi Paritala.
The family of Ubala Reddy has filed a suit against the filmmaker and even threatened him for portraying the character of Ubala in a negative light. In the movie, the character of Ubala Reddy is played by the actor Abhimanyu Singh.
A source was quoted stating that the family of Ubala and some of his followers have given death threats to Ram Gopal Varma for portraying Ubala's character in a negative manner. He said that the filmmakers will now discuss about this with the Andhra Pradesh police.
In 1999, Reddy was killed in the Hyderabad. The filmmaker confirmed the news of threats by the Ubala family. RGV added that there is a legal notice filed by them against him.
He also admitted receiving threatening messages and calls through different people. RGV added that even though the family members of Ubala are against him, there are evidences of many of his criminal cases against him before he was assassinated in 1999.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010 13:04 IST