Rules and regulations are same for everyone and it has been proved recently when Bollywood star Ajay Devgn was fined Rs 100 for smoking publicly in the courtyard of a multiplex in Panaji, according to the police
Deputy Superintendent of Police Deu Benaulikar was quoted saying that the notice will be issued today and they are acting on a complaint, which was filed by the State Health Department.
Rajnanda Desai, the director of Directorate of Health Services (DHS) filed the complaint, according to a police compliant. This complaint was the result of some photographs submitted by an anti - tobaco watchdog
NGO named National Organisation for Tobacco Eradication (NOTE). In these photographs, Devgn was clearly shown smoking at the premise of the INOX multiplex.
The police official was quoted stating that the health department filed the complaint with the Crime Branch and it was forwarded to the police for taking further action. The police then verified the photograph and only
then a decision was taken to issue the fine notice to Ajay Devgn, the official added.
Earlier in January also, the actor was fined for smoking in a public area in Chandigarh. However, this news has come to the limelight because Devgn is a big name in Bollywood but what about the regular smokers
those are careless about the law and even the police is not taking any action against them!
Friday, September 03, 2010 14:45 IST