Bollywood actress Chitragandha Singh, who is known for her excellent performance in Sudhir Mishra's 2003 movie 'Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi', has signed a petition on a serious issue 'sex trafficking' issue, which is being sent to the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.
The actress has been requesting the central authorities to work on reducing the trafficking of children in India. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has signed Chitragandha to campaign against this dreaded social evil.
Speaking on this issue, the graceful actress stated that there has been an extensive rise of the numbers of sex trafficking of children in India.
She added that it is in fact the fastest rising crime here and through the petition they are urging the government to offer safety to the children and punish the culprits. She said that the government can make the change and she felt it to be her duty to speak out to protect the youth of the country.
She has teamed up with Indian sex trafficking survivors named Rani Hong and her husband Trong Hong. The couple is running a foundation called The Troni foundation in the US and the actress is trying to help them to open a branch in India too. The foundation provides help to the trafficked children and tries to free them from the grip of prostitution.
The actress has definitely taken a noble step as a socially responsible sensitive person!
Friday, September 03, 2010 16:02 IST