The news of Colors' show 'Bairi Piya' going off the air has left Sharad Kelkar (Thakur Digvijay Singh) and Supriya Kumari (Amoli), the main protagonists of the show, a bit nervous and depressed. Yet both of them are
still hopeful of the show being launched again with its sequel.
While talking to Sharad Kelkar, he informs us about his fan following and the fans that are far away from him, but are still near to his heart.
After talking about the petitions and the requests by his fans, Sharad reveals, where exactly are his fans from? "I have a major fan following in Pakistan; the people over there are crazy for Thakur Digvijay Singh to the
extent that they have made their own group called 'Divians'. which means fans of Digvijay."
"I am really overwhelmed with the fans and their love for me and the show. Apart from Pakistan, I receive mails and messages from Canada, Africa and many other states but Pakistan's response for me is just
amazing. I owe it to my fans, " signs off an overwhelmed Sharad.
See you soon Sharad; your fans in India are also waiting to see you back in action!
Tuesday, September 07, 2010 12:25 IST