Salman Khan has a sense of humour. On Saturday night, when he visited Farah Khan's Tees Maar Khan sets, he offered to walk the red carpet for a premiere scene she was filming.
When one of the ADs saw him chatting with Akshay Kumar, he joked, "Let's call SRK from the set nex door as well." To which, Sallu said, "Then, the carpet need not be red, koi bhi colour hi hogi, toh red ho jayegi."
By the way, Khan's three dogs have finally made it to television. He brought his three babies tpo the sets of India's Got Talent. No, the pooches did not perform for the talent show.
Khan says, "I don't believe in training animals to shake hands, roll and jump through hoops. Animals should behave like animals, not humans.
They should be natural. The only thing they should be trained for is potty training." Don't miss the episode. It airs on September 11 at 9 pm.
The Khan parivaar had a cast-and-crew trial on Saturday night. Yes, the Khandaan was in full attendance. As was Katrina Kaif, who landed there after her shooting on Tees Maar Khan finished.
The show was packed, so she and Sal stood and watched the entire film. Near the exit. Everyone who saw the film came out congratulating Khan for his performance.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010 13:41 IST