Renowned Bollywood filmmaker KJo has denied reports of his next movie tentatively titled as 'Short Term Shaadi', being adapted from a Hollywood film 'What Happens In Vegas' starring Cameron Diaz-Ashton
The film will star Bollywood hunk Imran Khan and Kareena Kapoor. Karan Johar claimed that the film has an original story penned by writer-director of the movie Shakun Batra. Karan has also rubbished the reports that
he asked Kareena to cut her hair short and go back to her size zero for the movie.
The 38-year-old filmmaker said that he had never had a talk with Kareena regarding any the above issues. He added that Bebo would look the way she does now.
The latest release of Karan titled 'We Are Family', is an adaptation of the Hollywood movie Stepmom, which received varied response at the box office.
The filmmaker added that he does not think 'We Are
Family' cheated the audience as people hardly remember the original movie and it is a real adaptation. He further said that some of the scenes and tracks in this movie are totally different from the original one.
The story of the original Hollywood film was about two complete strangers. They win a jackpot while on a vacation in Vegas and get drunk. They wake up to find shockingly that they have got married and thus they
want to get divorced but they fall in love.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010 12:37 IST