Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi has been trying all new things these days. The actor turned a goon for his latest movie 'Once Upon A Time In Mumbai' and in his upcoming movie 'Crook- It's good to be bad', the actor
will turn a girl and also a vampire!
This happens for one of the song 'Mere Bina' in the movie. In this particular song, Emraan will be seen dressed like a girl and also as a vampire.
Director Mohit Suri wanted to shoot a fun song for the movie in Australia but somehow he was not getting it right so he called a break.
In the meantime, Emraan entered a shop that had costumes and wigs.
While having some fun, the actor tried vampire teeth and some female costumes. Mohit was very impressed to seen Emraan in this attire and suggested to include them in the movie.
Emraan was totally surprised and hesitant to go ahead with this idea. However, Mohit convinced him saying that the scene is important to include the fun element in the movie.
The viewers need to wait to watch Emraan in this girly attire. How pretty will he look as a girl or how terrible will he look as a vampire?
Thursday, September 09, 2010 12:38 IST