Unlike his predecessor Amitabh Bachchan, Bigg Boss 4 host Salman Khan will not keep the mood serious and will even dress down (suits be damned!)
No stiff suits for Salman Khan as the new host of the latest season of Bigg Boss! Instead, the actor will go completely casual in jackets, T-shirts and torn jeans. His sister Alvira Agnihotri and designer Ashley Rebello
will style Sallu.
Being comfortable
Ashley lets us in on the look, "The usual trend on the show has been of wearing formal suits. We will be breaking away from this (former host Bachchan was known to wear stuffy suits) and giving Salman some really
cool clothes. The idea is to present him in his most real look. Something that he loves wearing and also gives him a sense of comfort."
Apart from the clothes, Sallu will also be seen sporting different accessories. "He will be seen wearing stuff on his hands and different caps and nice boots that have his unique stamp of style. It will be very casual but
at the same time stylish and complimenting his good looks."
In addition to that, Khan will fool around with the participants as he did on the other show he hosted. No pop-philosophising for Sallu! Bring it on, we say!
After the first trial of Dabangg on Saturday night, Salman was so happy with Ashley's work that he gifted him a new car.
Says Rebello, "He was really happy with the way the film turned out. He just walked
up to me and asked for my favourite colour. I thought he was gifting me a painting. But I was in for a huge surprise when he told me he was gifting me a silver Innova."
Thursday, September 09, 2010 12:41 IST