Rukhsar, who was last seen in Bhaskar Bharti and now in Yash Raj's next TV soap 'Bhagya', was recently offered 'Raaz Pichhle Janam Ka' which she flatly refused. Mentioning the reason for refusal she adds, "I don't want to publicize what all happened in my last birth."
But when it comes to other reality shows, she is open to be a part of shows like Big Boss or even Fear factor as she is fascinated by action. She adds, "I'm not scared insects or animals.
I love adventure and also I want to try out scary stunts which happen in fear factor, and Big Boss, if you go to see, is actually different than what we see so I think I will able to handle."
She has never gone to a tarot card reader or even a Hypno-therapist in life and also she does not show any interest in such things. She prefers to keep her private life private and feels that past we all know, we live in present and what is going to happen will happen. If anything has to go wrong, it will.
Friday, September 10, 2010 17:29 IST