Director Mahesh Manjrekar commenced shooting for his first Bengali film "Ami Subhas Chandra Bolchi", where Mithun is slated to play the protagonist. Barkha Bisht and Shaheb Bhattacherjee are going to play Mithun's son and daughter in the upcoming movie.
The shooting for the Movie began on September 2010 in the studios of Mumbai. Speaking about his new movie, Mahesh said that this film will deal with the common man's existence and the tough choices that he is forced to face every day.
Mithun also said, "The film is about the pride of Bengalis- something that's lacking now." Mithun further added that as a true Bengali he feels honored to be part of the project. Mithun also exclaimed "after watching the film, the audience will take pride in its Bangaliana."
Meanwhile barkha Bisht is very excited about sharing the screen with the legendary actor Mithun Chakraborty. Barkha knows that Mithun has a demigod status in Bengal and it will be challenge for her to match up to the superb actor.
She plays the role of a middle class Bengali girl who wants to be a heroine in Bollywood and wants to discard her 'Bose' title. Her father teaches her to be true to her roots. This project will surely touch a chord in the heart of the Bengalis all over the world.
Friday, September 10, 2010 17:52 IST