Bollywood's 'khiladi' star Akshay Kumar turned 43 years yesterday and on this occasion his wife Twinkle Khanna organized a surprise party for her hubby. Some of his closest friends were invited in this party on
Wednesday night.
Filmmaker Vipul Shah, who is also a close friend of Akshay, was also invited. The producer of his upcoming movie 'Action Replayy' presented him a vintage classic watch of 1975, which apparently costs Rs 18 lakh.
A source was quoted saying that Akshay attended an event yesterday to unveil the first look of his next movie 'Action Replayy'. On this occasion, someone asked him about the new watch he was flashing. While
answering the question, Akshay informed that it was a gift from his director friend Vipul Shah on his birthday. Adding to this, the actor jokingly said that since the watch costs a huge amount he hopes that the director
does not cut the money from his fees.
On the other hand, Vipul Shah said that above all, the most pleasant thing is that Akshay wore the watch and attended the event. He said that it was a very nice gesture on the actor's part. Coming to the huge price of
the watch, Shah said that it was just a gift from a friend to the other on his birthday so price is not important here.
Well, Vipul has rightly said that. We don't count the price of the gifts especially when it comes from a close friend! Hope this friendship lasts long and they keep offering many hit films together!
Friday, September 10, 2010 19:05 IST