Indian celebrities like jewellery designer Farah Khan Ali and internationally-acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur have condemned a US pastor's plan to burn the Quran on the ninth anniversary of 9/11.
"Burning of Quran (is) stupid... why is this silly man getting so much attention?" Kapur posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.
Christian pastor Terry Jones has caused a furore by announcing plans to set fire to the Quran at his Florida church. Ever since, several notables including US President Barack Obama have condemned the act.
Farah, a devout Muslim, called him a "mad pastor".
"To the mad pastor out there who thinks by burning a holy book the Quran you can burn our faith, you have a hope in hell. You can burn pages but our faith is in our hearts and soul and you cant take that away," she
posted on her Twitter page.
Friday, September 10, 2010 19:10 IST