It was reported recently that Bollywood actress Kangna Ranaut has replaced Vidya Balan in Sanjay Dutt's home production movie 'Rascals' as she moved out of Dutt's 'Double Dhamaal' demanding huge amount of
Rubbishing the rumors, Vidya said that she was never offered a role in 'Rascals' so there is no question of her being replaced. The actress added that she is very fond of Sanjay Dutt and if would have asked him to be a
part of it, she would have done the film happily.
However, Vidya accepted that she was offered a role in 'Double Dhamaal', which she could not work out. The actress said Indra Kumar has directed some unforgettable films and she is very positive that some day he
would approach her with a film like 'Beta' or 'Raja'.
Balan added that she can't believe that a professional star like Dutt would have dropped her from 'Rascals' for saying not to 'Double Dhamaal'. She is confident that Sanjay would have never taken this professional
decision personally.
Well, we believe Vidya even though she has reacted after so many days. She is trying to keep her good relationship with a star like Sanjay Dutt at the same time maintaining her price tag!
Friday, September 10, 2010 19:32 IST