Versatile actor Manoj Bajpayi and his wife actress Neha are going to be the proud parents of their first child. The couple was reportedly spotted at the Lilavati hospital in Mumbai yesterday.
The actor couple got married in 2005 and it is second marriage of Manoj. His wife Neha, has been seen in the movies like 'Kareeb' with Bobby Deol and in 'Fiza' with Karishma Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan. The actress
is also known as Shabana Raza.
A source was quoted saying that Manoj Bajpayi was seen dressed in a shirt and casual jeans and Neha wore an off-white top with steel-grey pants. They were seen entering the gynecologist department on the second
floor of the hospital. The 'would be parents' looked very happy and has several queries.
Neha was advised by the doctor to stop her regular exercises, take proper rest and eat healthy food. The eye witnesses were quoted saying that the baby bump of Neha was not visible.
Manoj was not comfortable discussing his personal affairs, so he avoided the question but he did not deny either. He said that both of them have decided not talk about their private issues in public. Manoj admitted that
he went to Lilavati hospital with his wife but he was reluctant to disclose the reason citing it to be very personal and he does not like to talk about this.
Friday, September 10, 2010 19:34 IST