Ranbir Kapoor's latest movie 'Anjaana Anjaani' opposite Priyanka Chopra is set to release on September 24. The actor is definitely busy in promoting the movie and is very excited about it. However, the youngster is
also in a dilemma because his parents' movie 'Do Dooni Chaar' is also releasing just 15 days after his movie i.e. on October 8.
Rishi Kapoor and his beautiful wife Neetu (Singh) Kapoor will be seen together on the big screen in full fledged roles after long 30 years. Last time, the couple was seen together in the movie 'Love Aaj Kal', where Neetu
had a cameo.
The bubbly actress of yesteryear Neetu Singh will be seen in a full-fledged role after so many years so her son Ranbir is very excited about this movie.
He wanted to promote his parent's movie as well with
all his resources but destiny has decided something else for him. The 27 year old actor is divided between his own film and of his parents. He is professionally committed towards 'Anjaana Anjaani' and is emotionally
attached to 'Do Dooni Chaar'.
Ranbir has been planning to attend the music launch of 'Do Dooni Chaar' on September 26 but he is already filled with the post-production activities of 'Anjaana Anjaani'. So it is very unsure whether he would be able to
make it to the launch event.
It would be really tough for Ranbir to make a choice between his parents and his film!
Monday, September 13, 2010 13:44 IST