Bollywood actress Amisha Patel has reportedly faced a very bad experience on her trip to Kolkata yesterday. She was in the city for some professional commitment but the actress had her worst nightmare at the
Kolkata airport in the early morning.
The airport security staff reportedly mistreated her, which annoyed her very much. Amisha has written a formal letter about this incident to the head of the security staff at the Kolkata airport complaining about the
An eye witness was quoted saying that Amisha was undergoing the security check at about 7 am and she had an argument with a woman at the security check.
The security lady was very rude to the
actress even though she remained polite. The lady threw her bag when Amisha asked to give a tray to place the bag. Amisha said she could only smile and remain polite but the lady was very ill tempered and gave the
actress a piece of her mind.
Later, the actress approached the head of the security staff, who explained that how tired was the lady after working on night shifts and that's why she turned grumpy. She was also told that the being from an army
background, the security staff is rude.
Amisha had reportedly said that she would complain against the security lady and wrote about this incident and handed over it to the security guard but she has little hope of any action on it. The actress was also
seen discussing the same with the airline officials, which she was travelling. These airline officials also supported her.
Hopefully the airport authority takes any action against that grumpy lady. If these people behave so rudely with celebrities then they can go to any extent while dealing with the common passengers!
Monday, September 13, 2010 14:00 IST