Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt has reportedly patched up with his sisters Priya and Namrata as he has recently organized a birthday bash on Saturday night for his brother-in-law, Owen, Priya's husband.
The sisters were said to be unhappy with him over his choice of marrying Manyata. The sisters also came know about the marriage of Sanjay to Manyata through media. Moreover, the situation got worse when Sanjay was reported to contest election for the Samajwadi Party. It is because his sister Priya Dutt is already a member of the Congress Party.
However, now they seem to have buried the long pending split and have become a happy family again. Sanjay and Manyata had a triple celebration on that day of birthday bash. Apart from Owen's birthday, they celebrated Eid and Ganpati festival.
A source close to the Dutt family was quoted saying that every relationship has its share of tiffs and arguments. The family also had a small difference and stayed distant from each other for some time but it is a thing of past now. The source added that the entire family gathered under the same roof on Saturday night at Sanjay Dutt's house.
The source further said that the celebration was attended by close friends and family and all had a grand dinner.Earlier, Manyata and Priya were rumoured to have differences but they were also seen sharing warm vibes. The party continued till the wee hours of the morning, the source informed.
The source also said that Priya and Namrata always came to tie ‘Rakhi' to their brother on Raksha Bandhan inspite of all the differences. It's great the Dutt family has bonded together again that will only give peace to the soul of their later parents Sunil Dutt and Nargis Dutt.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 12:39 IST