Bollywood director and screenwriter Anurag Kashyap has been upset with the fake accounts of him on Twitter as well as on Facebook. An imposter has opened accounts by his name and has also opened an account by the name of his next movie That Girl In Yellow Boots.
The imposter is continuously interacting with many acquaintances of Anurag's by using these fake accounts. This has irritated the director very much and he wants track down the imposter with the support from cyber police.
The director is planning file a complaint soon after coming back from Toronto, where his film That Girl In Yellow Boots is being screened.
His girlfriend, Kalki Koechlin, is playing the lead role in this film. Anurag's real Twitter ID is ankash1009 and the imposter is tweeting as imanuragkashyap, the director was quoted saying. Kashyap said that the imposter has several accounts all over the place and is bothering him now.
The Dev D director added that the imposter has a fake account in Facebook in his name and he is probably using a fake email id for all of these. Kashyap was quoted adding that the fraud is using the fake id to set up meetings with many unsuspecting people and that can turn dangerous.
Celebs have been easy targets for such frauds in social networking sites these days. Hope Anurag becomes to get hold of the imposter very soon and get him punished for the cyber crime! In the meantime, Kashyap wants people out there to be careful in their interactions with unverified people on social networking sites.
Thursday, September 16, 2010 13:14 IST