The graceful Bollywood actress Chitrangada Singh is going to make her debut in television by judging the NDTV Imagine's reality show 'Model Hunt Season 2'. The actress has given her dates to the show from September 25 to October 6. Model turned actor Milind Soman will be accompanying her as co-judge of the show.
The actress, who plays a fashion designer in Sudhir Mishra's movie 'New New Delhi', was quoted saying that television has now become very exciting. She added that the high glam quotient and fun element of the show, has attracted her.
Chitrangada said that she watches intermittently and loves to watch 'What Not to Wear' on Discovery Travel and Living, 'The Biggest Loser', 'Roadies', 'Splitsvilla', 'Nach Baliye' and 'Get Gorgeous'.
Currently, she is only getting to know the contestants of the season 2 of 'Model Hunt' and she just trying to learn about their background and interests.
The actress, who was last seen in the movie 'Sorry Bhai', said that all the contestants are leggy beauties with great bodies. However, she wants go beyond their well groomed and textured body and will try to find out if they are really comfortable with the personality they are showing up.
Chitrangada added that talent will be given more preference to glamour this year and she pledged to be honest in her judgment.
Monday, September 20, 2010 13:15 IST