Bollywood star Aamir Khan has got a double reason to celebrate during his visit to Toronto last week. The first reason is his wife Kiran Rao's directorial debut Dhobi Ghat received lots of accolades at the Toronto International Film Festival, and the second is he got to meet legendary Hollywood star Sir Anthony Hopkins.
The veteran Hollywood star was present at the festival for the screening of his movie You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger. Aamir is a big fan of Hopkins, who is famous for his performance in the movies like The World's
Fastest Indian, Hannibal, Legend of the Fall and The Silence of The Lambs.
A source was quoted saying that Sir Anthony and Aamir talked about films and spent a good time together. The Hollywood veteran even expressed his wish to watch Aamir Khan starrer Dhobi Ghat.
The sourced also added that when both of them were introduced Aamir shook hands with Hopkins unlike Anil Kapoor, who bent down to touch the feet of the star when they met at the Golden Globes in 2009. Actually,
Anil did so going by the Indian custom to show respect to the seniors but the Hollywood star was not aware of it and he leaped a foot back! Aamir has probably taken a lesson from the incident and preferred to go by
the western custom!
Monday, September 20, 2010 13:49 IST