Veteran Bollywood playback singer Udit Narayan, who has been the voice behind many popular sweet songs, is in the news for all the wrong reasons again. The singer has reportedly thrashed his driver named Kumar for keeping the interiors of his C-class Mercedes in a messy condition.
A source was quoted informing the press that Kumar had been employed with Udit Narayan for the last 25 years and has been very loyal to them.
Recently, Udit was returning to his Lokhandwala home by his car and he noticed an empty coffee cup lying inside the car. Udit asked the driver why he hadn't thrown the cup away. On this, the driver apparently replied that it is not his job as a driver to remove the leftover stuff.
This angered the singer so much that he lost his temper and started thrashing Kumar on reaching the building. He was accompanied by his wife Deepa Narayan at that time.
The source added that the incident occurred in front of the watchman of the building. Kumar has reportedly left his job and admitted being hit by the singer.
On the other hand, Udit's manager was quoted saying that they had a heated exchange of words but the singer did not beat the driver. He said that Udit asked him to leave for the moment and return on the next day but the driver did not turn up.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:30 IST