Recently Rahul Mahajan the famous Reality TV star came down to Kolkata with his wife Dimpy Mahajan. Rahul is controversy's favorite child and he has made it his job to stay in the news for all the wrong reasons.
This time around things were a bit different as Rahul played the role of the perfect son-in-law to Dimpy's parents. When asked to comment about his relationship with Payal Rohatgi, Rahul said that
speaking about her will only provide her with more publicity.
Rahul informed that he has come down to Kolkata to meet Dimpy's family members especially her ailing grandfather.
The Reality TV star claimed that the old man really loves Dimpy and his grandson-in
law and seeing them puts a smile on his face. Even though Dimpy's grandfather cannot recognize his own sons due to old age he can always identify Dimpy and Rahul.
Speaking about the upcoming Durga Puja, Rahul informed us that he plans to spend the time with his in-laws this year. Rahul is interested in knowing all about the Puja, the culture and everything about his spouse's
land of birth. Seems like the guy is trying really hard to impress his dear wife well, all the best to the happily married couple.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 13:55 IST