MTV VJ-turned Bollywood actor Cyrus Sahukar, who has always dreamt of writing and directing a movie, is now working towards it. Even though he could not direct a movie, Cyrus is fulfilling his dream of writing by
scripting a comedy film, which he planned to do since he was 15 years old.
Cyrus was quoted saying that he is still in the initial stages of writing the script so it will be too early to discuss about it. He said that at this point of time, he can say that it would be a comedy movie.
Speaking about his career, Sahukar said that he had never planned his career systematically. He just took up whatever came on his way and by God's grace he was appreciated for all of them, Cyrus added.
The famous VJ of MTV considers himself to be very lucky to be able to come so far. Cyrus said that he has always done something that makes him happy and he can relate to it as well as entertain people. He
informed that he used to be very active in theater during school days and has sung for the school band.
Cyrus started his career in the entertainment industry as VJ for MTV and became very popular in a very short period. Now, he is hosting a new show called 'Assignment', being aired on UTV Bloomberg from September
18. Sahukar shared that he was very nervous when he faced the camera for the first time but that turned into confidence with time.
Cyrus has acted in the films like Rang De Basanti, Delhi-6 and the recently released Aisha. We hope he becomes successful as a script writer too!
Thursday, September 23, 2010 10:10 IST