Actor turned director Abhishek Kapoor, who became a known name after directing the movie Rock On in 2008, was off to Brazil for participating in the reality 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 3' on Colors. However, he is back to
Bollywood now after a short stint in TV reality show and is reportedly going to start on a new film.
Speaking about his break, Kapoor said that he is taking the benefit of not being in a salaried job and can take off whenever he wants to.
There is buzz that his next film will be for Excel Entertainment,
owned by another actor turned director Farhan Akhtar, who was hero of Rock On. On this, Abhishek said that its too early too disclose the details about the film and cast but assured to start the film by early next year
if everything goes well. He added that the worth would be worth and this is his promise.
There is another rumor that he will also direct a movie for his cousin Ekta Kapoor's Alt Entertainment. However, the director neither denied nor accepted the news. Abhishek said that he is in talks with several
producers but things are not finalized yet.
He added that he watched Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai before leaving for Brazil and realized that the standard of work has increased a lot in Balaji so he cannot
disappoint his sister. Kapoor said that he will make a film for his cousin sooner or later.
Abhishek informed that he had communicated with Ekta recently when she was in Dubai and she was eager to know about the stunts he is likely to perform during the show. Ekta wanted her brother to make her feel
proud about him with his performance, he added.
Thursday, September 23, 2010 10:40 IST