It is known by all that the release date of Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor starrer Anjaana Anjaani, has been postponed for a week for the Ayodhya verdict. But the news is that the director Siddharth Anand is taking benefit of this delay and has shot a new song for the movie recently with the lead pair.
The director is probably giving his last touch to make his ambitious project a big hit of the year. However, Anand has reportedly claimed the song to be a mere remix version of a promotional song, which is already there in the movie.
Earlier, Anjaana Anjaani was set to release on September 24 but now it will release on October 1 due to the above mentioned reason. Taking this opportunity, Siddharth shot this dreamy ballad in the film city.
Siddharth has however confirmed the news. He was quoted saying that they have shot the remix ballad version of the song 'Tujhe bhula diya'. Anand said that they were supposed to shoot the song from the beginning but as Ranbir was far away in Prague they could not capture it earlier.
On the other hand, a source close to Priyanka was quoted saying that the actress was asked suddenly to come for shooting a song with Ranbir so it was not at all scheduled before.
Well, whatever be the case if the new song adds to the glam quotient of the film then audience will definitely get an added piece of entertainment!
Monday, September 27, 2010 14:20 IST