Ranbir Kapoor doles out relationship advice on Emotional Atyachar
This week, the team of Emotional Atyachar is joined by Ranbir Kapoor, who will dole out relationship advice to Zia. Zia and Tanya have been together for two and half years, ever since they met at a neighbour's
However, his brother Jamal is determined to prove to him that Tanya is not the right girl for him and so approaches the EA team. Zia accepts the challenge to prove that Tanya is a loyal girl and Jamal is wrong.
Ranbir talks to Zia about relationships and how he should deal with such situations. The EAT sends undercover agent Ashish Lamba to chat with Tanya at a mall. Much to everyone's surprise, Tanya happily exchanges
numbers with Ashish and even plans an outing with him to Nainital.
Zia is shocked at Tanya's behaviour, while Jamal is unfazed. However, things take an unexpected turn when Jamal's secret is revealed in front of Zia.
Monday, September 27, 2010 15:20 IST