Veteran Bollywood actor Govinda's daughter Narmmadaa Ahuja has supposedly signed three movies at a time. She is yet to debut in the industry and there is a buzz that she has bagged two more movies apart from
her debut one.
Speaking to the media, the budding star kid said that among these three movies, two will be released in 2011 and the third movie will hit the theaters in 2012.
However, Narmmadaa sounded very professional even when discussing about her debut as she did not disclose much about the projects. She said that one of them is a comedy, one is romantic comedy and the other
one is a love story.
The 21 year old young lady said that it will be too early to discuss about the films as they are still in the scripting stage. The actress has polished herself before making her debut into Bollywood by acting in many
short films.
Narmmadaa's debut into Bollywood has been talk of the town since her appearance in IIFA awards in 2007 with Salman Khan, who was very close to her dad.
On this, Narmmadaa said that it was a wrong speculation by many people as she was only 18 then and was pursuing her acting studies at Kishore Namit Kapoor Acting Institute and then she went to the London Film
Govinda has become popular mostly for his comedy roles and being his daughter, Narmmada was also reportedly getting mainly comedy film offers.
She confirmed the news saying that she was being
approached with comedy movie only and the main reason behind this is the strong grab of her father in that genre. The actress added that she did not take up the offers because she wanted to polish her acting skills
before she signs her first film.
Monday, September 27, 2010 16:07 IST