Nandana Sen has made a name for herself in both Bengali and Hindi Film industry with her superb acting skills. During a recent interview Nandana clarified that although she was involved in the making of Autograph (to a certain extent); she does not want to take up direction. Nandana likes to write feature scripts and also enjoys directing short films but she does not want to direct full-length feature film yet.
Till now, Nandana has written quite a few screenplays and directed a whole bunch of short films which were bought by the Indian Television at a good price. Despite that, Nandana maintains that directing short film is a passion that she enjoys and does not want to ruin the fun by venturing into full-fledged film direction.
Nandana told us that she lacks the necessary social skills required to be a good director. The beautiful actress believes that one has to keep everyone happy in order to be a successful director and she is not quite adept at it.
The actress also told us that although she loves to spend the pujas in Kolkata, she will have to give it a miss this year, as she has to be present as a jury at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival.
Thursday, October 07, 2010 13:54 IST