"He is an emerald-eyed, tousled-haired demigod; a man who, were he to venture out on to the streets of his native Mumbai undisguised, is liable to cause a traffic pile-up. Hrithik Roshan is that rare commodity - a Bollywood idol with real Hollywood potential."
No these flattering words are not from one of those umpteenth Roshan fan. These are words, 'The Independent', one of England's leading daily newspapers, published after one of its journo cuaght up with Roshan junior, who is in London to promote the first Sangeet Music Awards.
Calling him one of the Hindi film industry's largest stars, the paper compares him with the likes of Elvis, Michael Jackson and Brad Pitt. But Hrithik, for the perfect
gentleman he is begs to differ, "I don't think it's fair to draw parallels like that
(between himself and Pitt). I consider him to be the epitome of physical strength and perfection. We are
working in different worlds and we are very different people." he tells The Independent. "I look forward to
the day when Brad Pitt will be compared to me," he mischievously adds.
The feature also discusses
his suitability for Hollywood, but Hrithik disagrees by saying, "Doing an English film is something I don't
think I'm suited to. I don't think my acting style would translate well. Besides, if it's not about being the
best, then there's no point. I'm the best at what I do in my world."
Thursday, September 30, 2004 13:42 IST