Bollywood actress Vidya Balan stunned everyone on the sets of director Santosh Sivan's Malayalam venture "Urumi",
when she flawlessly delivered her Malayalam dialogues just minutes after learning them.
After performing a special song for "Urumi", Vidya was offered an impromptu special guest appearance in the film where
she was asked to learn a five-page Malayalam dialogue just minutes before the scene.
"Vidya's guest appearance was a spot decision and she was handed the dialogues just over 10 minutes before the scene
- she skipped lunch and sat to learn the lines and stunned everyone with her flawless dialogue delivery. She was so good
in fact that she moved everyone on the sets, " said a source.
The filmmaker now wants to work on a full-fledged film with Vidya Balan. "Santoshji has often said that Vidya's eyes can
convey a thousand words - and after having her as guest in 'Urumi' he is kicked about doing his next film with her, " the
source added.
Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:39 IST