8.15 am: A marine engineer once told me: I've slept for just under 8 hours... can I push it to 9 and blame traffic?? Nooo!
My conscience pulls me out of bed.
8.30 am: So these red streaks in my hair bleed everywhere after a shower. My bathroom looks like a murder
site red puddles on the floor, red on the towels...
9.45 am: Have trained my staff to get me ready in a maximum of 20 minutes don't have the patience for hair and make-up!
2.30 pm: Lunch. Meeting a couple of friends for a quick bite: a teriyaki salad and grilled chicken sandwich washed down
by a berry smoothie that complements my magenta hair!
6 pm: Lighting change for an evening scene so have 90 minutes off. I change into my tracks, head to the nearest gym and
do some power yoga.
7.15 pm: My hairdresser rolls her eyes at me as I am sweaty and she needs to re-do everything but my make-up artist
appreciates the after-glow of a hal-aasan.
8.30 pm: Dinner on set. Huge spread thai green curry, rice, chicken wanton soup, dumplings, fish in black bean sauce... I
have a little of everything hey, I did 50 suryanamaskars today!
9.15 pm: Pack and I'm in the car before you can say up!
12.15 am: Reading Michael Connelly's 'The Overlook', a fast paced thriller. Bad choice for a bedtime book as it's keeping
me up! Reluctantly stick in a bookmark and leave the end for tomorrow.
1.30 am: Someone rang my doorbell! Hauled self out of bed and saw it was the night security with a society letter! Note to
self however much you dislike someone, you must not set fire to them!
Thursday, October 14, 2010 13:01 IST