Television actress Rakshanda Khan, who was last seen on Imagine TV's 'Kitani Mohabbat Hai' as a lawyer, is making her comeback on the television serials with Sony SAB's 'Ammaji Ki Galli'. She will be back to TV with veteran actress Farida Jalal.
Recently, Rakshanda was seen as a contestant in Imagine TV's 'Meethi Choori No.1'. She has kept herself busy by hosting many TV shows and participating in reality shows.
The new show is set against the backdrop of Delhi and is produced by Contiloe Films. The nuances and anecdotes of the inhabitants of the capital city are captured in it. Initially, the shooting will take place in Delhi only to give an authentic feel of the city.
Farida and Rakshanda have been confirmed to be a part of the show. 'Ammaji Ki Galli' has a close similarity with Sony SAB's show 'Lapataganj'. The new show also presents the life style of people, especially Punjabi of a famous lane called 'Ammaji Ki Galli'.
Veteran actress Farida has confirmed the news saying that she is doing the show but refused to divulge many details about it. She just said that it will be set against the backdrop of Delhi. Jalal added that the show has a beautiful story and people must watch it to know more about it.
The shooting for the show is likely to start from November first week.
With veteran like Jalal and spicy actress like Rakshanda, audience can expect something really exciting!
Friday, October 15, 2010 12:22 IST